About Project
The SmartMiner concept proposes a paradigm shift from pure technology to a Human and Data-Centric Engineering, which can be easily transferred to other industries, and develops solutions for raising the level of environmental quality in complex interactions between physical, behavioral and organizational processes field, by matching advanced operator I4.0 & 5.0 and society S5.0 standards.
Original idea approval route starts with mining machinery operator wellbeing in its microenvironment and its cyclical alignment with stakeholders in value chain. After development of smart, ergonomic, non-invasive and reliable operator aid systems for regulation of physical environment job stressors – noise, human vibration, lighting, temperature, air quality, workplace layout issues etc., which solve environmental and human health issues and influence overall performance, research passes to operator macroenvironment determined by organizational contextual factors which also impair sustainable development results.
Micro and macro levels are connected and balanced by real time analytics to fit high sustainability performance indicators in novel, flexible and scalable system.