SmartMiner on International conference in Belgrade 17-18 oct
The SmartMiner project continues its promotion in the circles of the scientific public. This time, project PI, prof. Dr. Vesna Spasojević Brkić will be a panelist at the international scientific and professional conference entitled: “Critical infrastructure systems in the era of artificial intelligence”, which will be held in Belgrade on October 17 and 18, organized by the Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management, and with support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.
Пројекат SmartMiner наставља са промоцијом у круговима научне јавности. Овога пута, руководилац пројекта, проф. др Весна Спасојевић Бркић биће панелиста на међународној научној и стручној конференцији под насловом: “Системи критичне инфраструктуре у ери вештачке интелигенције”, која ће се одржати у Београду 17. и 18. октобра, у организацији Центара за анализу ризика и управљање кризама, а уз подршку Министарства науке, технолошког развоја и иновација Републике Србије.
Support Systems for Smart, Ergonomic and Sustainable Mining Machinery Workplaces
SmartMiner is a project funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia as a part of the Green program of cooperation between science and industry
The main goal of SmartMiner is to solve vital problems of society caused by mining industry unsolved issues and offer support systems which enable sustainable development and raise the level of environmental quality by novel paradigm proposal. SmartMiner objectives are: 1) to develop support systems towards enhanced mining machinery operator “zero pollution” work environment, 2) to propose solution of better organization of the work in mining companies through a new decision making system, 3) to expand decision making outside the company borders – through improvement in reporting practice and external stakeholders opinion acknowledgement, 4) which leads to sustainability of a mining industry, cleaner economy and better biodiversity.
Project duration:
01. 05. 2023 – 30. 04. 2025.
Principal Investigator (PI):
dr Vesna Spasojević Brkić, full professor